Flood Reduction & Conservation

Lake Levels

Pumps, Levees & Dikes

Current water levels on Lake Erie may be seen by visiting the links below.  The first monitoring station is located in Toledo at the mouth of the Maumee River as it enters Maumee Bay.  The second location is located at Marblehead in Ottawa County.

Toledo Station (NOAA Station ID 9063085) – https://tidesandcurrents.noaa.gov/stationhome.html?id=9063085

Marblehead Station (NOAA Station ID 9063079) –  https://tidesandcurrents.noaa.gov/stationhome.html?id=9063079

The Lake Erie water levels may be seen graphically by scrolling down the first chart.  Levels are displayed feet above sea level based upon the International Great Lakes Datum, or IGLD.  This datum is roughly equivalent to the datum utilized for providing the elevation of the existing District flood protection levee system that ranges from a low point of 575.8 to a high of 582.8.  The low water datum (LWD) for Lake Erie in our area is approximately 569.2.  

Lake level reports may also be acquired by calling (301) 713-9596 and entering the last four (4) digits of either NOAA Station ID noted above (enter “3085” for Toledo and “3079” for Marblehead).  Please note that the audio reference from calling this number will provide the lake level in terms of inches above the low water datum (LWD = 569.2).  The conversion from inches of depth to an elevation is found by the following equation:

Current Water Surface Elevation = (LWD) + (Inches above LWD)/12

Example: If the report states that the water level is 52.5 inches, then the water elevation would be found as: Current Water Surface Elevation = 569.2 + (52.5/12) = 569.2 + 4.38 = 573.58 feet

Lake Erie Commission Resiliency Grant Program

The Reno Beach Howard Farms Conservancy District (the “District”) worked with the Jerusalem Township Trustees and their consultant, CEC, to perform a physical assessment of the existing levee systems through a 100% grant acquired from the Ohio Lake Erie Commission. Additional information regarding the grant and field efforts, including the local presentation held on December 13, 2023 and primary findings, may be found here.

The District and Township are continuing to collaborate in 2025 to obtain funding to further the original study and complete initial capital programs to update the legacy dikes along the Cooley and Wards Canals. Project updates will be provided as work progresses throughout 2025.

The Reno Beach Howard Farms Conservancy District (the “District”) is responsible for maintaining three (3) existing electrically operated pumping stations was organized to develop and implement a plan to reduce the risks of flooding within the areas surrounded by the existing levee system.  The risk of flooding is reduced through the maintenance of levees and stormwater pumping stations.

The lakeshore levee, or “Project Segment”, extending from the Cooley Canal to and along Wards Canal was completed in 1993 and updated the original emergency levee constructed by the US Army Corps of Engineers in 1972.  The modifications to create the existing levee along the lakeshore were completed to protect the area from waves and tidal surges from Lake Erie.  The remaining levees and dikes were constructed privately. Through tremendous effort by past and current members of the District Board, the Project Segment levee was recently upgraded by the Army Corp to be in Active Status. This is a tremendous achievement! A copy of the reinstatement letter is available here.

USACE Section 408 Permits

Any planned modifications over, through or within the Project Segment levee are required to obtain a Section 408 Permit through the US Army Corp of Engineers (USACE). Such improvements include (but are not limited to) decks, patios, walkways and swings or swing sets. Additional information related to Section 408 Permits through the USACE website may be found here. A copy of the 408 Permit Application may be found here. Additional information may also be obtained by contacting the District Board at 419-972-4571.

National Levee Safety Program

The US Army Corp of Engineers (USACE) and Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) have created the National Levee Safety Program to provide a nationally integrated levee management system to enhance resiliency and reduce risks from flooding. Additional information on the National Levee Safety Program may be found here.

Township Emergency Network

To receive text message alerts and emergency notifications for Jerusalem Township, you may subscribe to the WENS Network by clicking here.